Friday, November 14, 2008

So I've pretty much been neglecting my blog!!! I have recently started Facebook. Wow! I can't believe how much fun I've been having! It's crazy how many people I've caught up with. I am seriously spending WAY too much time on the computer! Steve even asked me if I've been looking at porn! Ha Ha! Now I just have to convince him to get started on FB. The only problem is that we only have 1 computer and I don't want to have to compete to use it!

Well, the big news of the week is... NO MORE BINKI!!!!! YEAH! The weirdest thing happened. The Binki Man came to our house and took all the binki's. Then he gave them away to all the little baby's who needed them. Blake had no idea that this man existed and I'm pretty sure that he would like to punch him out, but he's learning how to go to sleep without his binki! He's been pretty edgy and not napping well, but all in all he's doing great! We're on day 3 and I haven't caved yet! Now I just wish the Potty Training Man would come and take care of that issue!


Shawna said...

I LOVE FACEBOOK!!!!! I neglect my myspace profile because I'm always on my blog or facebook! I'll have to find you on there and add you :) Good job with the binki! I never had to deal with that with Dax, at about 6 months he'd get pissed if he sucked on the binki and no food came out! Hope all my kids are like that but I doubt it'll be that easy! Good luck with potty training...UGH I'm not motivated enough to stick with it right now!

Staci said...

Why doesn't it say "Happy Birthday to ME!" on this post! It's your birthday ferellzake! Happy 36th birthday to ya! Oh, and good job with the bink thing. It was time!

paige said...

Good idea!!! I need to do that with Emma....Take care! Paige

Unknown said...

That's awesome! I wish I would have thought of the binki man, Ry had his to go to sleep until he was almost 4 :/ I hope you had a great Birthday!

Farr & Co. - Est. 1999 said...

We are thinking alike, Drew had to put a end to his bottle and binki on the same day, such a mean mom. We have almost made it a week and we are not turning back!
take care, julie